Linda Beggs - Director

Linda Beggs is an experienced facilitator who brings over 30 years of consulting experience focused on organizational development with expertise in culture, change, and team effectiveness. Linda co-authored The Wraparound Guide, a how-to handbook for schools seeking to help students overcome barriers to wellness and learning.

Linda is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the EQ-i. She traveled nationwide for over ten years while working as a consultant with Franklin Covey and Pritchett & Associates, holding a variety of certifications in their content areas such as The Speed of Trust, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Business as Unusual.

​Linda is active in her community, having served on various boards and committees including Circles Cobb, The Strand Advisory Board, Mentoring for Leadership, Marietta’s College & Career Academy Steering Committee, liveSAFE Women of Achievement, and Habitat for Humanity. She is a graduate and past chair of Leadership Cobb.

​Linda is a proud graduate of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business where she earned her B.B.A. in Management Science.