Linda Beggs - Director
Linda Beggs is an experienced facilitator who brings over 30 years of consulting experience focused on organizational development with expertise in culture, change, and team effectiveness. Linda co-authored The Wraparound Guide, a how-to handbook for schools seeking to help students overcome barriers to wellness and learning.
Linda is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the EQ-i. She traveled nationwide for over ten years while working as a consultant with Franklin Covey and Pritchett & Associates, holding a variety of certifications in their content areas such as The Speed of Trust, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Business as Unusual.
Linda is active in her community, having served on various boards and committees including Circles Cobb, The Strand Advisory Board, Mentoring for Leadership, Marietta’s College & Career Academy Steering Committee, liveSAFE Women of Achievement, and Habitat for Humanity. She is a graduate and past chair of Leadership Cobb.
Linda is a proud graduate of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business where she earned her B.B.A. in Management Science.