Poverty in Cobb County
Poverty can infiltrate any household, taking various forms and wreaking havoc within communities. Poverty's ripple effect extends far and wide, impacting business profitability, tax revenues, and the overall well-being of a community. This often results in a chain reaction, with crime rates rising, graduation rates dropping, and homelessness surging.
Consider your neighbors and the Cobb community, where many find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations. Out of over 766,000 residents in Cobb County, a staggering 74,107 are living below the poverty line, with limited prospects of breaking free. This includes 10.6% of children in Cobb who are growing up in poverty.
Poverty in Cobb County 2013-2021
Circles Cobb is tackling these pressing social challenges by fostering a sense of community and unity.
Our mission is clear: Circles aims to break the chains of poverty's effects, strengthening families and individuals in our community. We provide support and encouragement to all participants on their journey to escape poverty's grasp, with a goal to create a brighter future for themselves and their families.
Join us in our mission to transform lives and make a lasting impact on our community. Together, we can be the change that Cobb County needs.